
Sky Sanctuary Rescue is a private, non-profit organization that relies entirely on the donations from the public to ensure that our animals receive the best possible care. While monetary donations allow us to help the animals where it is needed most (medical care and rescue equipment), physical items are essential as well. These items provide care and comfort to the fearful, injured and senior animals who have found themselves on the streets due to circumstances out of their control.

There are two ways to purchase items on our wishlist. Items can purchased directly from our website or through an amazon account. We always encourage our supporters to use Amazon Smile and select “Sky Sanctuary Rescue” as your preferred charity. Not only will this help our rescue by purchasing from our wishlist but we will receive a donation from Amazon of .5% of your future purchases. This costs you nothing and is a huge help to our street dogs in need!

Purchase On Amazon

Click here to give a gift directly from Amazon and change your charity to Sky Sanctuary Rescue.


Click here to directly sponsor a medical procedure or needed supply.

Rescue Equipment Wishlist

Click here to help with much needed equipment for our boots on the ground rescues.